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Comment count is 18
Born in the RSR - 2011-11-27

I find it very freaky when he tries to emote.

Riskbreaker - 2011-11-27

"Come back in about 18 months and you'll really see changes, if not completion."

themilkshark - 2011-11-27

"What about other details I got? There are PLENTY OF THOOOSE!!"

memedumpster - 2011-11-27

Meanwhile at the Skyrim II development meeting...

*ape noises, feces flung about at random*

Randroid - 2011-11-27

Another tribe of man-ape developers drives them from their meeting room.

Defeated, they sleep overnight in a broom closet, and awake to find a shiny black server has appeared in front of them.

Udderdude - 2011-11-27

Come on, guys. Everyone knows the floating, alien technological artifact that appears before them looks like this : http://media.giantbomb.com/uploads/1/17467/577860-gamebryo_logo_sm all_large.gif

Sudan no1 - 2011-11-28

you could have uploaded that to tinypic or imgur, it's not that hard.

Robin Kestrel - 2011-11-28

Also not hard: highlight, right click, go to.

Kids these days with their crazy URL shorteners.

Randroid - 2011-11-29

IN my day, people used telephone numbers for calling a BBS and we damn well didn't shorten it!

Chalkdust - 2011-11-27

"all leadin' in the good old direction of straight up"

Wander - 2011-11-27

Slowed down mario sunshine music in the backround for that ulillillia feel.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-11-27

Only 20,000 feet? Come on Ulillillia! I wanna jump to the freakin' moon.

bopeton - 2011-11-27

I honestly am impressed by the level to which he has taken parallax scrolling. The sprite art needs some work, but it is, as he says, pretty impressive.

kingofthenothing - 2011-11-27

Somehow, I don't think Airtaxis will catch on any more than Airplanes. But oh well. I wouldn't want to disturb his fragile little world by telling him that, or introducing him to terminal velocity.

Meerkat - 2011-11-27

I hate to critique such an impressive feat of impressiveness but the little dude is really hard to see.

boner - 2011-11-27

Not for Ulillillia, he can measure things 1/512 of an inch with his eyes. http://www.ulillillia.us/aboutme/specialabilities.shtml

kingofthenothing - 2011-11-28

http://www.ulillillia.us/features/statussystem/statussystemhistory .shtml

He's going to be a cult leader and not even know it one day.

"4.2 Spell Power Defined For Good"

I... I don't even want to know how he came to define "spell power".

pastorofmuppets - 2012-01-19

I love that Uli's abilities are mostly normal. "I can do math problems pretty fast, except when I'm not completely focused on them."

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