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Comment count is 8
The Mothership - 2011-11-27

I learned my lesson with baleen's corpses the other day, I don't need to hit play here. Preload image is enough.

Ursa_minor - 2011-11-27

I don't think you did.

Jet Bin Fever - 2011-11-27

That leg wants to break free!

Ghoul - 2011-11-27

That preload is tough to look at.

Born in the RSR - 2011-11-27

Oh EA...

Ursa_minor - 2011-11-27

He did a pretty good job of fighting even with it obviously hurt.

memedumpster - 2011-11-27

Is there still a company that makes video games that would actually meet a quality control standard?

badideasinaction - 2011-11-27

No software company higher-up cares about quality control - they care about making deadlines, and all the slack time you have goes to the code being finished because they didn't give you enough time to write it.

The bean-counters care that whatever agreed standard of "only X major bugs left" and then sweep enough bugs under the rug to make it look like you've hit it. They'll patch it when they run into it, so they'd rather fudge their numbers to meet their dev targets then explain why their targets were so horribly wrong before.

That's how it is where I work, and odds are your bank is running our software somewhere.

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