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Comment count is 10
Cena_mark - 2012-02-07

I knew this shit would come out immediately when I saw Madonna in her Egyptian motif.

Void 71 - 2012-02-08

So did she. I'm convinced that pop stars use ancient religious symbolism to troll people like this on Youtube.

RealmOne - 2012-02-08

People often ask me.. what does shmuck mean? This, dear friends, is a shmuck.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2012-02-08

I smell TFL.

Riskbreaker - 2012-02-08


Dynamicuno - 2012-02-08

He smells a bit more MRA if you ask me.

TFL=want women but are too stupid to know they're the problem when it comes to dating.

MRA=just hate women and blame women/feminism for that hate.

I personally love his rant against the Illuminati and symbolism with a HUGE picture of one of his books with the symbolism he says he hates right behind him....like he is promoting the Illuminati and is too dumb to know it.

I think he and other conspiracy theorist are just jealous that there not cool enough to be part of something as big as the Illuminati.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-02-08

The illuminati is starting fake wars and then projecting world peace on the field because Madonna is a pawn and a slut, or something.

Udderdude - 2012-02-08

"part of an elaborate occult ritual designed to convey the idea that they are gods to be worshiped." I think that's less to do with some masonic conspiracy and more to do with them being gigantic media whores.

Kid Fenris - 2012-02-08

Can't decide if you want to be a conspiracy nut, a misogynist, or a lost old man complaining about all the smut on TV? Mix and match!

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2012-02-08

Wake up Sheeple! Enjoying football is an evil conspiracy to take over your minds. You should be ranting on youtube and learning about how madonna is sending slut symbols through the tv.

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