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Comment count is 25
big pincers - 2012-06-29

I like the fug baldy lifeguard at the end

Ghoul - 2012-06-29

Too many uncomfortable gay dude stares and tiny bathing suits. I made it to :59.

big pincers - 2012-06-29

only uncomfortable if you let it be...

big pincers - 2012-06-29

what I'm trying to say is: GOOBLE-GOBBLE GOOBLE-GOBBLE ONE OF US!

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-06-29

Your loss, sweetie!

This is the gayest video of all time.

Raggamuffin - 2012-06-29

Yeah, it's pretty uncomfortable at first, but if you just relax and let it happen you eventually start to enjoy it.

Ghoul - 2012-06-30

I can't help who I am. I'm on the right track baby, I was born this way.

American Standard - 2012-06-30

Okay with it. Makes me feel like a bug-eyed pedophile, but okay with it.

But that blond looks a touch more than "sun-kissed" in a few shots. Someone needs to bump up their SPF.

And I'm always up for watching straight men squirm a bit at the sight of objectified male bodies. Shoe on the other foot don't fit as good, eh?

Kabbage - 2012-06-29

Well, I made it to 2:35 before realizing that I was only at the end of the first act.


big pincers - 2012-06-29

Okay, John you know what to do now.

(We wanna see your Peacock)

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-06-29

Please grow a pair and submit it yourself. My connection went down, I'm at a friend's house, and my online time is severely limited.

big pincers - 2012-06-29

....you've wounded my feelings.

baleen - 2012-06-29

5 for the universal discomfort among straight men.

Anaxagoras - 2012-06-29

I can drink to that.

Old_Zircon - 2012-06-29

I'm straight and was not uncomfortable.

Eroticus E - 2012-06-30

I'm straight and this made me grin uncontrollably. Seriously, how could you be mad at people having this much fun?

cognitivedissonance - 2012-06-30

I'm a gay and even I was weirded out.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2012-06-30

I'm mostly straight (that's about as close as I can come to a pithy description) and I enjoyed this the same way I enjoy being in a gay bar, because it invites me to let go of that fear. It offewrs a choice: You can either be uncomfortable, or get comfortable.

Either way, i promise not to judge. By the end, homosexuality starts to feel like... sexuality.

Oh, and fuck you, cool people, the Katy Perry song isn't bad. I know how this goes. I say that Katy Perry's okay, and the next time we get in an argument, someone talks about how I'm "obsessed with Katy Perry". Lick my popsicle.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-06-30


This video just made me feel old and lecherous.

memedumpster - 2012-06-29

I was bored that all these guys look like the same plastic trinket you'd buy at a gas station... then Young Gay Steve Martin showed up.

flotsam - 2012-06-30

Moves that would make Beyonce envious.

big pincers - 2012-06-30

all that rosebud, hangin' OUT!

dairyqueenlatifah - 2012-06-30

I'm gay and this was too gay for me. I made it a minute.

You never fail to deliver, PoE.

Big Name Celebrity - 2012-07-03

Are people seriously squirming over this? I know you people have all seen Bear Force One. After that, this is just, like... Tuesday.

Go watch Bear Force One again.

Adham Nu'man - 2014-06-29

This is like a Pet Shop Boys video fanfic.

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