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Comment count is 6
Change - 2013-02-26

It almost lost a star for repeating the same 'deep' mortality theme as most indi animation - that said, this is better than most of those.

Change - 2013-02-26

'A lot', as opposed to 'most'. 'Most' is a poor choice of words.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-02-26

You know, Shakespeare did mortality better than anyone. But, that doesn't mean you can't enjoy any other work since that has similar themes. My problem isn't with the idea so much as the execution of it. Its visually interesting at least.

Change - 2013-02-26

Okay, but I'm not really thinking about 16th century writers when talking about a disproportionately large segment of modern indy animators all ignoring the possibility of finding human commonality beyond 'we all die'. It's intellectually deep enough to address human commonality - but then the creator take the easy lazy route of refurbishing an old trope in hopes of scoring employment after school ends.

I don't care if someone managed to touch on this longstanding meme as far back as the 16th century, or even the fact that the meme itself is longstanding.

memedumpster - 2013-02-26

What other commonality do we have that half of us hasn't forsaken immediately to angrily disassociate ourselves from as many people as possible? Death is the only common factor because it defies our hatred of each other, absolutely, to bring us to a common end. It is the only tie that binds in the human experience. Only the strong nuclear force comes remotely as close.

chumbucket - 2013-02-26

Strangely I'm quite pleased this is not another Brothers Quay.

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