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Comment count is 8
cognitivedissonance - 2013-10-12

I was very narrowly not arrested yesterday , and this pulled me right out of the depression.

MrBuddy - 2013-10-12

What'd ya do?

cognitivedissonance - 2013-10-13

Driving while suspended. I had no idea I was suspended and basically it was the fault of a bill collector not actually doing their job.

So somehow, 5 went "missing" within the local court system. The cop was nice about it, but I got the feeling that it would have gone south very fast if I had been anything less than lily white.

catpenis27 - 2013-10-13

I was thinking how this whole thing looks like some kind of fucked up trust exercise, what with each other's feet so close to the axes.

I was just talking about this kind of thing with a friend, I was driving on a suspended that was also kind of complicated, but I was driving my mom's car, she was in France for another 10 days, and they impounded the car and gave me like a 00 fine. I got pulled over because it was a manual with a shitty fuel pump and I stalled really briefly at an intersection at like midnight. Cop flies out of nowhere, and like 3 other patrol cars show up (Orange County). I also very narrowly avoided a DUI in addition to the driving on suspended, but I'd eaten sleeping pills so it was too hard to prove anything was really wrong with me.

augias - 2013-10-12

They are most definitely lustig but the onlookers don't seem to be much hocherfreut. Screw them, hack that Holz!

Old_Zircon - 2013-10-12

Stars for 1:19-1:22

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-10-15

That guy has done some things right in his life.

MrBuddy - 2013-10-12

I expected them to cut down trees, skip and jump, press wild flowers, put on women's clothing and hang around in bars. Oh well, at least they can sleep all night and work all day.

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