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Comment count is 9
Caminante - 2007-02-12

I saw this when I was about 5, thought it was a real band, and wanted to buy their album.

oktay - 2007-02-12

Was that Martin Short on vocals?

love - 2007-02-12

YES! I LOVED this as a kid!!!! to oktay: the entire band is sctv people

swickape - 2007-02-12

I feel sorry for you, Lady Di, Having a mother-in-law like that!

themilkshark - 2012-10-27


Stopheles - 2007-06-19

Martin Short in makeup looked a lot like Marc Almond. Who knew?

Hay Belly - 2008-12-07

Yase. How about the rest of the band? Do them!

KnowFuture - 2008-12-22

50 stars.

-45 for those stinking fucking faggots at Viacom who are quick to yank stuff off of YouTube for copyright violations but not quick at all about putting DVDs out of that same stuff they yank out of there for nerds like me who will gladly pay cash to own my own copies of this stuff to play for my friends if it's available which it's not because Viacom are faggots.

KnowFuture - 2009-02-20

Thanks Busby for bringing this back.

No thanks Viacom you worthless fucking turds. A world run by pirates is better than anything you fucks could possibly offer anybody. People who work for free are better than you on a bad day and that includes every crackhead I ever gave a dollar to.

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