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Help keep poeTV running

And please consider not blocking ads here. They help pay for the server. Pennies at a time. Literally.

Comment count is 6
Hooker - 2014-07-04

We're now applying the "the fun and exciting life is just waiting for you" horrid ad formula to phones?

Two stars because, really, this is just an ad.

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-05

If the last piece of shit you sold me is making my life so miserable, why again do I want another similar piece of shit?

infinite zest - 2014-07-05

because you are trapped on an island

Oscar Wildcat - 2014-07-05

Precisely. Why do I need a phone? Are you hiding behind the palm tree? I will find you. That's half the fun.

infinite zest - 2014-07-05

Think of those poor souls at the first Woodstock. However did they find each other?

Seriously this is bullshit. It's a good premise in case you get lost or disoriented etc., but you know that these are like Cricket phones and they could sell these for a dollar and still make a profit. 55 USD for the cheap model?

infinite zest - 2014-07-05


UGH! And every band SUCKS! With the exception of Crystal Fighters and Darkside (and I guess QOTSA even though I don't like 'em like Kyuss.) THEY ALL SUCK OR I HAVEN'T HEARD OF THEM! KORN? BLINK 182? NOFX? THE PRODIGY? EVER WONDER WHAT HAPPENED TO JIMMY EAT WORLD? PLACEBO.. fucking Placebo. Wow.

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