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Comment count is 6
That guy - 2015-06-12

Jack Warner is the same guy who thought an Onion article about how the US wants to host the World Cup this afternoon was real.

infinite zest - 2015-06-12

I can see tricking your midwestern grandma with an Onion article in 2004, or even Clickhole today, but how can you be so ostensibly in touch with current events as vice president of a worldwide sports organization, have tons of money and internet, TV etc and not know what The Onion is? Back when I first started reading it, it was basically Madison Wisconsin's school newspaper, and was hard to find but at this point pretty much every online news outlet has little quips like "doesn't this sound like something out of The Onion?" from time to time.

infinite zest - 2015-06-12

YES! I had sort of forgotten that he said he was going to do this on this week's show.

Anaxagoras - 2015-06-12

He's doing the Lord's work.

Meerkat - 2015-06-12

There are quite a few Trinis where I live, one of my ex-girlfriend's best friends was from there and she was hot hot hot. We had a restaurant that sold doubles and rotis that was from Trinidad and we used to eat there all the time, but recently he moved back to Trinidad so that totally blows.

Mend0zA - 2015-06-12

The restaurant moved back to Trinidad?

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