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Comment count is 13
Cube - 2015-11-18

Holy crap, in a good way. I really dug using the optical sensor at the end and also need to point out that I knew they were using an optical sensor to trigger the synth.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-18

That Nord Drum sounds great, too. I really want one some day, but I'd probably go for the 2. Maybe when the 3 comes out they'll get cheap enough.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-18

Pretty much the only non-DIY pieces of gear I want anymore are a Yamaha TG33 and a Nord Drum 2.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-18

Not counting completely unobtainable stuff like a Kyma system and a PPG Wave and a maxed out Syncavier, of course.

And let's throw in the RCA Mk II while we're at it, I want that thing. Morton Subotnick's granddaughter comes in to my work sometimes, maybe she can hook me up with it. I don't think anyone else is using it for anything.

Old_Zircon - 2015-11-18


Cube - 2015-11-19

Are you trying to build a marvellous machine that would once again make you Young Zircon?

badideasinaction - 2015-11-18

Five for awesome.

fedex - 2015-11-18

awesome noodling

StanleyPain - 2015-11-18

Pretty cool. I wish someone would develop an app with this kind of tactile idea. There's a few node-based programs out there on iOS that are not bad, but they are insanely complicated to program.

StanleyPain - 2015-11-19

Also, I like the "Look Around You" style presentation.

Bootymarch - 2015-11-18

Just go marry a piezo resistor already

SolRo - 2015-11-19

I'd like to see a DJ pull this off.

Oktay - 2015-11-19

So cool!

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