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Comment count is 11
Rudy - 2007-04-09

Anybody know where I can find the lyrics to this song?

fluffy - 2007-04-09

The verse is pretty good, but the chorus is kind of weak. Fortunately, the bridge makes up for it.

Colonel Cowlung - 2007-04-09

I'm torn on how to rate this. I think Andy was shooting for 1 star.

That guy - 2010-06-30

If St.Kaufman was shooting for one star, you give five-- or one.
There is no four. In time you will come to understand, my son.

Smellvin - 2007-04-09

I'm still hoping Andy pops out of nowhere and declares that he was just kidding about dying.

mysterycar - 2007-04-10

this is still better than some stuff on the radio that wasn't dumb on purpose

grimcity - 2007-04-10

I jsut realized that Andy's singing sounds like Jello Biafra.

joelkazoo - 2009-01-07

Especially when he hits the high parts!

BAC - 2007-04-12

holy shit! he does.

That guy - 2013-03-17

This just gets better with every yearly viewing. The way he points at various crowd members and the guitarists at the end....
*kissing fingertips* mmWWaahh!

That guy - 2016-11-29

I trusted you, Old Zircon.
I trusted you, Monkey Napoleon.

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