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Comment count is 8
Crab Mentality - 2019-02-22

Over and over and over again they say that there is a strategic component to the game, along with a physical component, it's just like chess, as if moving a rook across the board is the hard part.

Are there a bunch of billiards players ready to rough them up if they dare compare tiddlywinks to billiards?

betamaxed - 2019-02-22

The full five for the guy reading "Winking World Lite" @2:43

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2019-02-22

As an American, I feel embarrassed by the guy who looks like a mutant version of Stuart Smalley hanging around in a rumpled t-shirt while all the other on-the-spectrum dudes at least bothered to dress up for their big day.

Also very American: complaining that there's just no money in tiddlywinks these days.

blue vein steel - 2019-02-22

I'm noticing a surprisingly large percentage of these guys wearing wedding rings.

That guy - 2019-02-22

This sketch comedy is deadpan as hell.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2019-02-23

I think that that's what they used to call "sincerity."

garcet71283 - 2019-02-22


Adjuvant - 2021-06-28

That was a very long setup for the last 5 seconds.

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