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Comment count is 10
casualcollapse - 2019-06-06

This is FRESH!

fedex - 2019-06-06

all these people are dead

Maggot Brain - 2019-06-06

Who did Donahue's audience hate more; The Russians or these guys?

casualcollapse - 2019-06-06

What Russians?

Maggot Brain - 2019-06-06



I'm sure the soviet officials thought that they were going to talk about food or something, instead they got this mess.

Old_Zircon - 2019-06-06

I can name a better moment in Broadcast history:

2 Live Crew on Donahue performing "Face Down, Ass Up."


betamaxed - 2019-06-06

That's a tough one.

On one hand, Face Down Ass Up is the better song

On the other hand, this video has more footage of the dancers

Old_Zircon - 2019-06-06

Yeah, I'm kind of leaning toward this being better now, because of the moment when the audience turns on them.

Anyway, honorable mention should still go to Riskay doing "Short Dick Man" on Xuxa's show. I almost like that even more than either of these because it's just weird and inappropriate rather than deliberate provocation, but the fact that it was on Brazilian TV and Xuxa was 8nvolves takes some of the edge off of that.

Ugh - 2019-06-07

more evidence that phil donahue is an awesome person

The Mothership - 2022-02-28

5 stars.

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