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Comment count is 18
Roachbud - 2007-08-07

Sounds like W:
Fear of the terrorists
Sympathy for the troops
Pride about apple pie
Hate for weak kneed Democrats

zatojones - 2007-08-07

Rage against that machine bro

Xenocide - 2007-08-07

That's right, ladies, emotion makes you fat! So go ahead and have that club sandwich! It's delicious...FOR HITLER.

manfred - 2007-08-07

Emotions are for ethnic people!

KozmicBlue - 2007-08-07

I thought the teeny tiny concentration camp was cute.

also, nom nom nom emotions, nom nom nom, club sandwich

KnowFuture - 2007-08-07

Pearl Harbor turned your friend-of-a-friend into a donkey? Well that sucks.

Extra points for the little swastika stars when the German emotion guy whacks the reason guy upside the head.

Emcee - 2007-08-07

"The whole world is against our peace-loving phfttluueeeyuurrrr!"

Atomic Powered Jack-O-Lantern - 2007-08-07

Why does hitler have fangs?

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2007-08-07

She gains weight pretty fast. Damn you, Hitler! It's somehow his fault, I just know.

DMKA - 2007-08-07

I love how Hitler isn't brought up until more than half way through, lol.

Shion - 2007-08-08

I disagree with the original premise, some people are definitely born without the ability to think.

revdrew - 2007-08-08

Reason: The Life Saving Nerd

Endoris - 2007-08-08

Wait...Reason freaked out and got angry and slapped Junior?

ihounokyaku - 2007-08-13

This video was awesome......FOR HITLER!!!!

Jeff Fries - 2007-08-26

Say whatever you want, the fact that this can't get shown in classrooms anymore is not a sign of progress.

FABIO2 - 2007-10-17

For instant irony apply this to any following decade and run with it =(

Spastic Avenger - 2007-12-04

Shows how psychology and all the sciences date very quickly. Now psychologists wouldn't talk about reason and emotion as separate things.

Spastic Avenger - 2007-12-04

I also don't think children are without a sense of reason. the child has to formulate the cause and effect phase space 'if I pull the cats tail there will be a reaction, so let us test what the reaction is'. IT is not a lack of reason, but a lack of knowledge, and therefore everything is tested.

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