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Comment count is 15
Noober - 2007-09-20

No one feels any sympathy for the guy who just got it in the face.

Smellvin - 2007-09-20

I can't believe this hasn't been submitted before.

Operation Cornflakes - 2007-09-20

Short, sweet, and someone gets hit in the face. Everything I look for in a video.

minimalist - 2007-09-20

Right up there with "POP!" and "Kid gets hit on head with shovel".

These clips need their own tag.

Caminante Nocturno - 2007-09-20

The ball didn't even go into the goal.

RockBolt - 2007-09-20

Goalie: "I blocked it!"

Kicker: "And I hurt someone" *high fives*

glasseye - 2007-09-20

Short and sweet.

fourthguy - 2007-09-20

This is amazing

Afgh - 2007-09-20

I liked the part where the ball hit the guy.

Aeschylus - 2007-09-20

Nice, yes... but it's no Dans ta Guele

Keefu - 2007-09-20

This is what the internet was made for.

kingarthur - 2007-09-21

Everyone seems to be missing the fact that the kicker drops as soon as the goalie is hit. The perfect cover for an assasination, but of whom? kicker or goalie?

citrusmirakel - 2007-09-22

When I see a clip that says 0:04, I know I'm about to be happy.

The Mothership - 2012-12-03

too right.

Myrmidon - 2008-06-05

Needs "Short and Sweet" tag.

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