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Comment count is 11
SARS - 2008-04-07

that's a pretty idealized version of Howard. Should be more like:

"Dear Howard, I am so sad."

the end.

Camonk - 2008-04-07

Plus, he also loves my momma and wishes she were his wife! Just like me!

manfred - 2008-04-07

I wonder if Howard and Lovecraft ever touched wieners.

Jeff Fries - 2008-04-07

I have a dream, a dream of a muscle man with a giant sword

coprolalia - 2008-04-08

When Conan sucks a dick, it stays sucked!

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-04-08

"He don't take it from no one."

Yes, Conan is more of a giver than a receiver.

zatojones - 2008-04-08

I had no idea Vincent D'Onofrio and Renee Zellweger made a movie about the guy who wrote Conan novels.

Modern Angel - 2008-04-08

Honestly, it's average at best. Rented it and it was pretty pedestrian. There are some good scenes though, this being one of them

Blaise - 2008-04-08

Good thing this guy wasn't born 50 years later or he'd be addicted to internet pron and the closest we'd come to Conan would be his LARP character.

Pillager - 2009-07-13

Nah, he's be the monarch of his own WoW guild.

Lurchi - 2017-06-21

strange movie

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