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Comment count is 15
Udderdude - 2008-06-01

Risking their lives for cheap entertainment value. YAY!

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-01

Hell yeah, I knew this had to be Rob and Big.

ponpoko - 2008-06-01

Like a Tony Hawk's Pro Skater level come to life, only without Bam Margera forcing you to take on side missions where you throw poop at dogs while riding a Segway

Hooper_X - 2008-06-01

That is my america.

Also, needs a "sketchy" tag.

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-06-01

QUICK someone get Grimcity on here he would love this

grimcity - 2008-06-01

Oh, I'm here... fap fap fap


Chalkdust - 2008-06-01

Makes me want to play Pro Skater again, but only if this place were the level.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-06-01

I could really go for a Monster Energy Drink right now.

FABIO2 - 2008-06-01

They're pretty good! I have no clue how red bull stays in business charging twice as much for a shittier tasting product.

Generic Trader Joe's 16. oz energy drinks are still the best though.

smoothbrain - 2008-06-01

Those guys are crazy.

threads - 2008-06-01

Oh god that's pretty much how I am going to die.

mouser - 2008-06-01

I would so totally try riding it down sitting on the skate. probably would die too but eh.

glasseye - 2008-06-01

-1 star for none of them dying.

fourthguy - 2008-06-01

Cool video, but here's what I want to know: Was it sketchy? I wish he had made this a bit clearer.

quantumcreep - 2008-09-19

On the International Standard Scale of Sketchiness (ISSoS), with "Average Homeboy" as a 1, and "Driveby Shooting Practice" as a 10, this would rank about a 4.6.

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