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Comment count is 22
ashtar. - 2008-06-27

What makes this for me is that the announcers seem unable to admit that he's playing up the fakeness, as this would mean admitting that there is fakeness. The 'knockout' at the end is priceless.

futurebot - 2008-06-27

Yeah, four stars for the running in a small circle like a decapitated chicken

Torture the Artist - 2008-06-27

No matter how many times I see it, that big boot will always be hilarious. The sheer effort Michaels puts into the flopping and seizing and flailing is staggering. It would have taken a third of that energy to just have a good match.

Big Name Celebrity - 2008-06-30

No amount of energy was ever going to carry Hogan to a good match.
This was the best possible strategy.

ztc - 2008-06-27

Hogan looks genuinely enraged at one point, like he wants to scratch Michaels' eyes out.

Hooper_X - 2009-01-28

I'm pretty sure that "throwing the bandanna" bit was a legitimate act of frustration. Michaels made Hogan look like a fucking clown - not so much to the fans, but to EVERYONE ELSE IN THE BUSINESS. It was a farce of the highest caliber.

Aelric - 2008-06-27

he's like a malfunctioning robot

Lurchi - 2008-06-27

It's "improvised folk theater" dammit.

GusPlease - 2008-06-27

I hate to give a wrestling clip that doesn't involve someone getting injured 5 stars, but this is legitimately hilarious

JSP - 2008-06-27

His reaction to the legdrop really makes this for me. Also the way he flops around like an A-bomb just hit him and then looks so frustrated that he cannot get the advantage over this immortal man, this Hulk. A classic dick move, done to the truly deserving.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2008-06-27

how is this different from normal professional wrestling

Mike Tyson?! - 2008-06-27

Ha ha, I get it.

zatojones - 2008-06-27

no really I can't tell the difference either

j lzrd / swift idiot - 2008-06-27

I sort of see a difference here, but it's been so long... I seem to remember those "jobber" wrasslers acting like this when they got hit.

Oh well. Still pretty funny though.

HURF BLURF DUH - 2008-06-27

I think you actually do have to be into wrestling to fully enjoy this, since I don't. Though I do appreciate that Michaels shows a lot of athleticism by taking all those extra flips and spins and impacts.

JSP - 2008-06-27

The gist of it is that Michaels basically hates Hogan (for real, not as a storyline) and is making fun of him by completely overreacting to everything he does. Whereas a wrestler would normally just fall over upon being punched by Hogan (or the fake equivalent of a punch, you get the idea), Michaels is falling three feet backwards and going completely ass over teakettle. When Hogan does the simplest thing, like a shove or whatever, Michaels is acting as though he'd been hit by a car.

Upon thinking more about it, you're right, if you don't watch much wrestling this wouldn't look out of place. My mistake.

Pangalin - 2008-06-28

Nah, the only wrestling I've seen in my life has been POETV clips and I puzzled out this mystery so I reckon some nigs is just dumb

The Townleybomb - 2008-06-27

+1 for all of the explanations from people who know wrestling.
-1 for skullets.

Ersatz - 2008-06-27

I get what is going on. The gentleman in the black-and-white trousers is presenting to the gentleman in the red-and-yellow trousers. The latter, however, is not receptive to the former's advances, and is treating the situation as play-fighting, practicing kill moves for a future hunt. The former is frustrated by the misunderstanding.

Not the best example of homosexuality in lower species. The necrophiliac duck is a better example for your queer-studies project.

Desidiosus - 2008-06-27

Do you have to take the mystery out of everything?

Cleaner82 - 2008-06-28

Three stars for the video, another eight for this. Ironic, since your brilliant comment serves to bolster the rating of THE VERY VIDEO YOU DESPISE.

Keefu - 2008-06-27

I really like that last bit.

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