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Comment count is 7
merzbau - 2006-06-07

Frampton! The Bee Gees! Absolute shit!

Namor - 2006-06-07

As an interesting side note, there were no wires used in this, only actual drug induced levitation.

kicklecubicle - 2006-06-07

I hated this part because Billy Shears was -that- close to the permanent vacation at Club Dead.

boner - 2006-06-07

Such a fine line between stupid and clever

bavariankumquat - 2006-06-07

The worst song in this movie is "when I'm 64" by Donald Pleasence, but this sucks too

Caminante - 2007-02-24

Lightsaber Sound Effect!

Jeff Fries - 2009-01-02

How much can a song be destroyed

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