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Comment count is 18
Westward - 2008-08-20

I don't know what I just ordered, but this video delivered.

ProfessorChaos - 2008-08-20

Oh, My, Yes.

Monchiles Monchiles - 2008-08-20

What the hell. People are all flipping around on bars and shit. What do they expect to happen?

Merkwuerdigeliebe - 2008-08-20

The last one had spirit.

Mad Struggle - 2008-08-20

And a concussion.

The Faghorn - 2008-08-20

My heart grew two sizes. Be the best you can be, little confused gymnastics girl!

fermun - 2008-08-22

It looks like her brain grew two sizes.

gambol - 2008-08-20

I think that number 19 is my favorite.

zatojones - 2008-08-20

the poor girl in red just can't seem to hit the horse correctly

waxeater - 2008-08-20

The physics involved in #14 are worth the price of admission alone.

And one star for every time #1 unsuccessfully tried to stand.

waxeater - 2008-08-20

I meant the physics involved in #16! #16!!

Xenocide - 2008-08-20

#1 teaches us an important lesson: never have a stroke while doing gymnastics.

TeenerTot - 2008-08-20

Did nature never see what a bad idea the whole "big head attached to big body with fragile neck" thing is?

Ageusiatic - 2008-08-20

Whoever made this had access to 20 good falls, and you know there were some that just didn't make the cut. These pretty much all happened at competitions, where there would be cameras.

I am in favor of installing cameras to be rolling at all times, in all acrobatic schools. That way, we could have a new one of these clips every day.

Testicles of Doom - 2008-08-20

All of the uneven bar accidents were my favorites/

Enjoy - 2008-08-20

I like all gymnastics accidents except for anything involving the balance beam. The balance beam just has an aura of evil.

Jimmy Labatt - 2008-08-20

Agreed. That balance beam one looked fucking painful.

Magical Man from Happy-Land - 2009-07-05


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