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Comment count is 8
Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-09-24

Ben Kingsley is, was, and always will be The Man. He needs no context and takes no pause; he is Zarathustra.

Ben Kingsley is also far above YouTube speech bubbles.

baleen - 2008-09-24


kiint - 2008-09-24

its like hes channeling Ian mackaye

charmlessman - 2008-09-24

Ben Kingsley is god. Or Gandhi or something.

Harold Manchester - 2008-09-24

-1 star for every obnoxious straightedge kid I've ever met as a result of these fuckasses. Sorry Gandhi.

paranex - 2008-09-24

Now be fair here: When they recorded all that shit, they never thought a movement of Puritan wackos would take the concept and go off with it. They were just a bunch of self-conscious kids who didn't do drugs writing songs justifying why they didn't have to do drugs to be into hardcore punk. Shit, they probably thought they'd be booed off the stage once people figured out what they were singing about.

Anyway, five stars because I would totally have loved to see the conversation where they explain to Ben Kingsley what he's doing in this video.

IrishWhiskey - 2008-09-24

I have trouble believing this is real. Its just too awesome to be true.

thatonegirl - 2008-09-24

This is pure awesomeness. I remember when I first saw this, I watched it ten times in a row. He has got to be lipsyncing, though.

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