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Comment count is 27
Xenocide - 2008-10-11

Youtube comments time!

I saw 2 Obama signs-who takes a political sign to a sporting event? Looks to me like someone orchestrated this disruption of a sporting event

Hooper_X - 2008-10-12

There was a concerted effort at the Florida/LSU game. LOTS of "Gators For McCain/Palin" t-shirts as well as stickers. That shit is lame.

dr_rock - 2008-10-11

This was actually a warm reception for Philly. She didn't even get hit with bottles. She should be glad she didn't go to a Wings game.

Frank Rizzo - 2008-10-11

I dont hear booing,

DMKA - 2008-10-11

Me either.

heyitslozeau - 2008-10-11


kiint - 2008-10-11

im booing at my screen really loudly, what you can't hear that?

petep - 2008-10-11

it sounded sort of mixed to me

jangbones - 2008-10-12


Shot from a camera phone, can you hear 'em now?

Another reason why Flyers fans are the best of fans.

baleen - 2008-10-12

At 13 seconds in the entire place reverberates with a low boo, you're just mistaking that for the normal crowd audience because that's what ten thousand boos sound like.

chumbucket - 2008-10-12

didn't exactly sound like a applause either

IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-12

It sounds a bit like background in the video, but its definably booing. And all the reporters there confirm it was unanimous, there was no significant sound of cheering.

Charles - 2009-08-15

Try also looking at the people in the background. One of the guys is really animated with his booing/thumbs-downing

theSnake - 2008-10-11

Feels good man.

panipuri - 2008-10-11

holy high def booing!!!! Palin gives hockey moms a bad name. In fact Palin gives the human race a bad name.

The Townleybomb - 2008-10-11

This is kind of dissapointing (everyone I've talked to here for the past couple of days was expecting far worse) but there was definitely some booing going on-- the Philly Inquirer said she said she expected to be booed & they absolutely blasted the music in order to drown it out. Hell, Samuel Alito got heartily booed at a Phillies game I went to a couple years back, and who the hell even knows who he is? We boo everybody here. We even boo ourselves. BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WHY THE FUCK DID I WASTE MY TIME WRITING ALL THIS SHIT WHEN I COULD BE WATCHING THAT CAT THAT FLUSHES THE TOILET.

dr_rock - 2008-10-11


IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-12


Scurrie - 2008-10-11

I was saying Boo-urns...

kennydra - 2008-10-11

At first I was all impressed like "Hey, she walks on ice pretty damn well" but then I see she cheated.

Also did not hear much booing.

Blaise - 2008-10-12

She was booed until the crowd saw she was dragging her daughters into it.

Godard's Drinking Problem - 2008-10-12

She had the foresight to bring human shields.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2008-10-12

That's music in Philly's air.

Desidiosus - 2008-10-12

That is definitely booing, but -2 because none of the players bodychecked her.

Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2008-10-12

Philidelphia will fucking let you know what they think of you.

Five for the Obama/Biden sign in the back.

Hailey2006 - 2008-10-12

Where's the Hanson brothers when you need them!

zatojones - 2008-10-13

Canada I think

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