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Comment count is 21
Umaro - 2008-10-30

5 stars, not for hanging Palin but the EXTREMELY COMICAL McCain fire.

mashedtater - 2008-10-30

If they had all McCain's kids as reindeer it would have rocked!

zatojones - 2008-10-30


NoCode - 2008-10-30

Yes, definitely five stars for John McCain coming out of a burning chim-a-ney.

chumbucket - 2008-10-30

ok I'm not a big Mcpalin fan either but jeez c'mon dude. 4 stars for "chimeny"

BillFisto - 2008-10-30

Well, this proves that gay people hate America.

Where's the Star of David on Sara's head, though?

Hooper_X - 2008-10-30

Pfft. "George" is clearly a raging flamer.

buttnutt - 2008-10-30

Everyone in this video is a raging flamer.

Oh I can't wait for the republican outrage on this considering they've been the ones talking about killing Obama for over a month now.

Aoi - 2008-10-30

And that Canadians think all this shit is hilarious.

fluffy - 2008-10-30

No, going too far would have been hanging the ACTUAL candidates.

Dinky Patterson - 2008-10-30

They took it down:


IrishWhiskey - 2008-10-30

Why, in these types of stories, do they always "Is it in bad taste or is it protected by free speech?" It is actually possible for it to be both.

Bebido - 2008-10-30

Sarah, What chu' doin' up there?

Ursa_minor - 2008-10-30

Is everyone gay in this video?

Chizmurder - 2008-10-30

"Well this issssss wesssst Holly-wooood"

baleen - 2008-10-30

Well, they have a point.

Caminante Nocturno - 2008-10-30

They could've said it was Janet Reno and just sounded out of touch.

citrusmirakel - 2008-10-30

"It should be seen as art."

Because it's the first time someone ever made an effigy?
Because white mannequin with glasses was such a striking resemblance?
Because effigies are not at all a childish, stupid, empty gesture?
Because all Halloween decorations are expressions of high art?

dead_cat - 2008-10-30

Stay classy, Hollywood!

DMKA - 2008-10-30


More at 11.

RockBolt - 2008-10-30


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