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Comment count is 10
The Mothership - 2009-03-01

8:02: Disqualified!

This is absolutely wonderful, a sublime combination of dramatic sport, fish knowledge, Japanese madness and kitties.

gambol - 2009-03-01

One part cats, one part wtf Japan?, one part fuck the ocean.

It's sort of like they put POEtv in a blender.

Don't breath this.

Hodge - 2009-03-01

No wtf Japan tag?

Hooper_X - 2009-03-01

I'm pretty sure this is a dupe, but that doesn't make it any less fantastic.

GravidWithHate - 2009-03-01


Dupe. But kitties carrying fish! Five stars.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-03-01

I love that every attempt to lift is preceded by the cats checking to see if they can get away with it.

socialist_hentai - 2009-03-01

human weight lifters should lift bovine carcasses and and other big ,tasty ,dead animals.

petep - 2009-03-05

there should definitely be promotions of this type at county fairs and supermarket openings. budge six stacked pallets of hamburgers, they're all yours.

TheDevil'sWhore - 2009-03-01

I like how each one of the cats can't believe their good fortune at finding an unclaimed fish in an empty lot.

petep - 2009-03-05

i bet the white cat could have lifted that last one, but he just decided to eat it out in the open because he knows no fear

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