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Comment count is 5
splatterbabble - 2009-03-24

Now we just need "Die Zauberflöte" set to Vince Gill.

Hooper_X - 2009-03-24

This actually does a pretty damn good job of representing just how crazy intense NASCAR can get. I like it!

I wish I still had my old editing demo tape - not only did it have all my favorite bits I put together, I snuck some stuff off the station blooper reel on there that would totally be POETV material.

I don't miss a lot about working in TV news, but I really do miss editing.

chumbucket - 2009-03-24

Haul Ass Symphony Number 24

baleen - 2009-03-24

Extra star because it's a poe submitter submitting their own stuff but this really should have been Wagner for so many reasons.

wtf japan - 2009-03-24

I know why you said that, but I disagree. Jangbones obviously actually LIKES nascar and therefore probably wouldn't want to turn this into some sort of statement. Also, Beethoven really is the best choice for this sort of thing. Cf. A Clockwork Orange.

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