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Comment count is 9
Son of Slam - 2009-04-10

I loves me some Group B action, although in a pinch I would take the Lancia Delta S4 over the Audi

"It is said that rally legend Henri Toivonen once drove his Delta S4 around the Estoril Formula One track so fast that people who timed him said he would have qualified 6th for the 1986 Portuguese Grand Prix."

Camonk - 2009-04-10

This is the most boring rally car video ever. I'd wondered if I'd ever find a rally video without a crash interesting. The answer is now. I would not. Wow a car that makes sounds goes around corners. President, I can see that shit down the block.

oogaBooga - 2009-04-10

To offset the youtube-esque mentality of "what no crash? 1star".

SolRo - 2009-04-10

There's no crash

1394 - 2009-04-11

Not a RS2000

1394 - 2009-04-11

Oh fuck RS200 how embarrassing.

Wonko the Sane - 2009-04-11

I never knew race cars could be so lame

RockBolt - 2009-04-11


Kumquatxop - 2011-04-12

Group B is the poetv of racing

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