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Comment count is 7
vagina_warrior - 2009-04-11

http://offender.fdle.state.fl.us/offender/flyer.do? personId=2530

ASubmarineSandwich - 2009-04-11

Oh... oh my God. It's really him. Say it isn't so, Edarem.

From the Internet:

"Noticed many had wondered of whereabouts of Ed Muscare. In October 1986, I was in the Navy in San Diego when a local news item was aired on TV. To make a long story short - Uncle Ed was arrested for the molestation of several young boys as well providing them with drugs and alcohol. Story referred to him as "local cult tv star". Story also had video of the actual arrest and it was indeed our Ed. As cops were bringing him out of the house (a rundown little shack in bad part of town), the handcuffed Ed came right up to the camera, bared his teeth and let loose with a loud growl, then laughed to beat all hell. Always the showman that guy. It so happened that a fellow shipmate from KC area was there with me at the time to verify that it was the Ed Muscare I remembered from my youth. Haven't heard a word since the initial report of arrest as I was discharged two weeks later. "

Aelric - 2009-04-11

I withdraw my comment of wanting to be like him when I get old.

DerangedGoblin - 2009-04-11

I... but... but I thought... it's... he just...

*bang squish*

boner - 2009-04-11

I have re-tagged the video appropriately

wtf japan - 2009-04-11

I knew it!

Camonk - 2009-04-11

All our heroes are gone.

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