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Comment count is 19
Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2009-05-01

Fuck you 90's

socialist_hentai - 2009-05-01


SlickBrisket - 2009-05-02


bopeton - 2009-05-02

skate break

Chalkdust - 2009-05-02

Hello new ringtone!

revdrew - 2009-05-01

Least convincing black man ever.

Comeuppance - 2009-05-01

Blackpraune at 0:57

Walker - 2009-05-02

YES YES YES. I'm glad I wasn't the only one thinking that!

Old_Zircon - 2009-05-01

Not the Rollerblade I was thinking of.

TheDevilsDictionary - 2009-05-01

"It moves when you move"

I assume that before blade gear this man only wore inch-thick steel clothing that was bolted to the floor via a system of girders.

FineFilter - 2009-05-01

Still to this day when I buy shop for new clothes I ask myself, "Is this cool, funky, and hip?"

phalsebob - 2009-05-01

An unholy alliance of the 80s and 90s is coming to wreck your shit. Thanks EIT.

Sodomite - 2009-05-02

That's some dangerous shit they're doing on sidewalks. Where are all the pedestrians in this barren dystopia of 90's marketing myth?

zerobackup - 2009-05-02

Turn on generic ska and bring me my yellow knee/elbow pads!

StanleyPain - 2009-05-02

"Hey, could you guys stop talking about Rollerblading??"



j lzrd / swift idiot - 2009-05-02

Everything is horrible.


mcsancherson - 2009-05-03

the early 90's: like the 80's, but somehow more retarded in every conceivable way

TheDevil'sWhore - 2009-05-03

Yes, but are any of your products hypercolor?

Johnny Madhouse - 2009-05-04

This makes me want to rollerblade.

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