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Comment count is 8
Scurrie - 2009-06-27

There needs to be more Zevon around here. Hell, everywhere.

I'm very glad that this is just him and a guitar.

kingarthur - 2009-06-27

Ze-VON! Wooooo!

FineFilter - 2009-06-27

This is total top shelf stuff.

Walt Henderson - 2009-06-27

Easily one of the best songwriters I know about. This album had some major foreshadowing, too.

Koda Maja - 2009-06-28

Zevon is an automatic 5 stars.

Eroticus E - 2009-06-28

There aren't enough stars.

Camonk - 2009-06-28

Zevon was pure class mixed with one million percent pure style and also a badass.

GravidWithHate - 2009-06-28

Five stars for one of the most criminally unappreciated artists out there.

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