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Comment count is 19
Bort - 2009-07-26


Billie_Joe_Buttfuck - 2009-07-26

it is until lucas says it isn't

Ashenblade - 2009-10-14

Figrin D'An And the Modal Nodes would never cheapen themselves with such a show

IrishWhiskey - 2009-07-26

I never imagined there could be a songlist in which MC Hammer has the best music.

revdrew - 2009-07-26

I'm glad to see the spirit of the holiday special is still alive and well.

Kumquatxop - 2009-07-26


revdrew - 2009-07-26

Ah, I knew this was reminding me of something else as well.

Meerkat - 2009-07-26


Meatsack Jones - 2009-07-26

An AT-AT hoof coming down upon them all and then grinding them in would have been perfect.

No worse that anything else that has been done to the franchise the last decade or so.

Kumquatxop - 2009-07-26

oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god

Gojira1000 - 2009-07-26

... is it wrong that this makes me even happier my paperwork for emmigration is nearly complete?

Did anyone else have screwy flashbacks to the Christmas Special, or was that just me?

dementomstie - 2009-07-26

Wow, that's... awesome.
Of all the bad theme park shows to be part of I think this would probably count as one of the one's that's not TOO bad to have to take part in.
The guy in blue seems to be channeling Max Quordlepleen.

Timothy A. Bear - 2009-07-26

Dancing would have improved episodes 1 - 3.

Freeman Gordon - 2009-07-27

The Startroopers deserve all these stars, the rest didn't even come close of the awesomness.

dead_cat - 2009-07-27

Fiving for the awful.

And also for all the heavily-costumed amusement park minimum-wage monkeys being forced to dance around in Orlando's freaking hell-weather for the tourists. How the guy in the Wooky suit was managing to thermoregulate while dancing around in extremely hot, humid weather while wearing a full-body fur coat is beyond me.

Louis Armstrong - 2009-07-27

Nope, I would still rather go do beer around the world at epcot then see anything like this.

BaconAficionado - 2009-07-27

Needs a "White People" tag.

Testicles of Doom - 2009-07-27

Oh, c'mon, did you SEE the jawas?!

Baby Finster - 2009-07-30

This is the gig that the runners-up on "So You Think You Can Dance" get.

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