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Comment count is 12
Hooper_X - 2009-07-29

This wasn't already on POETV? Wow.

(the remake they did recently with Troy Palomawlawlaioairu was about as clever as such things can possibly get.)

THA SUGAH RAIN - 2009-07-29

Hey kid, heres my sweat rag. Thanks for the coke.

Enjoy - 2009-07-29

Hey kid, here's my staph rag. Thanks for the coke.

Riskbreaker - 2009-07-29

A coke in exchange for a sweat-soaked towel, a fair trade.

AgentOrange - 2009-07-29

It's his jersey you turds, he throws the kid his jersey.

dicktatortot - 2009-07-29

I remember this commercial. They even showed the out take on some crappy show I don't remember, all I know is that he did so many takes, and drank so much coke that at one point as he turns to the kid, instead of delivering his line he let this huge belch go...and then smiled with a sense of relief.

I also remember laughing my ass off, but then I was a kid.

MrBuddy - 2009-07-29

This commercial was so big they actually did Mean Joe Green interviews about it. They told him he could spit the Coke out after each take and he thought it wouldn't be a problem because he loved Coke. After way too many takes he had no problem spitting it out.

Desidiosus - 2009-07-29

I remember that too! "Hey kid.. *BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURP*"

cognitivedissonance - 2009-07-29

But... he's acting contradictory to his nickname.

Caminante Nocturno - 2009-08-01

Affable Joe Green doesn't look good on billboards.

Foolish Motorcycle Accident - 2009-07-29

The guy was humongous in his day.

The McK - 2010-09-28

Looks like he woulda been humungous any day.

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