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Comment count is 6
Toenails - 2009-09-05

Love his shirt.

My Gawd, did he sell out to the lil' Homiez or something?

Comeuppance - 2009-09-06

I have a strong feeling this was done so Snoop can do an album with the guy, and that gives additional meaning to the somewhat pensive and almost ashamed look on Soulja Boy's face.

Pure speculation, though.

Ghoul - 2009-09-06

That look isn't shame, the kid is blown out.

Enjoy - 2009-09-06

"The youf are the youf." - Snoop Dogg

Never were wiser words spoken.

Desidiosus - 2009-09-06

Translation for us pasty white people: "On occasion it is justifiable for artistes such as myself to display disdain for neophytes in our vocation. However, I offer my atonement for my prior contentions and shall undertake to be more appreciative of our pupilage in the future.

Here, have a spliff."

Hooper_X - 2009-09-06

Translation: Soulja Boy wants Snoop to open for him on tour.

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