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Comment count is 2
Merzbau - 2009-10-24

The actual video for "Three" doesn't start until about 5:30, after a clip of the Walker Brothers performing "The Sun Ain't Gonna Shine Anymore" and Walker patiently suffering through an interview with the program's presenter. WHY ha'n't thee goat NEEMS Scoat?

This song is from the tragically underappreciated Climate of Hunter, which fell between Scott 1-4 and the current phase of his career with Tilt, Pola X, The Drift, etc. It's the closest thing he's ever done to a full LP in the style of his songs from Nite Flights, it's solid fucking gold and it was reissued for cheap a couple years ago.

godot - 2009-10-24

I very much like the album, but its definitely of its era. With Tilt, Walker seems to have left eras behind.

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