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Comment count is 9
morva - 2009-11-14

Can't see shit.

HankFinch - 2009-11-14

It's only 1:11 - 1:45
skip the rest, or skip it all

PurpleXVI - 2009-11-14

Holy shit, that's just over in a flash. They hassle them and then BAM, they're on the ground in seconds and looking like they're not having fun.


Too bad the video quality is shit, though.

phalsebob - 2009-11-14

Shirtlessness, bigotry, beaten by trannies, and in police custody. Good times.

fatatty - 2009-11-14

Being beaten by trannies should be the customary punishment for bigotry.

La Loco - 2009-11-14

I liked it more the first time I saw it, on liveleak months ago.

Hay Belly - 2009-11-14

You submitted a 1978 Underoos ad, don't be dissing something a few months old. This is glorious, especially the after-affects.

memedumpster - 2009-11-14

The subject matter is five stars, the video quality is confusing and barely watchable.

Maru - 2012-05-18

After the shirtless guy hits blondie in the face, the raven haired cross-dresser comes around the side, and cracks both shirtless and fat guy in the jaw, knocking them out. I missed it at first; you have to watch very closely.

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