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Comment count is 13
Candlejackv616 - 2010-01-11

I dunno i found his entrance music quite endearing.

Cube - 2010-01-11

I would've liked this better if the statue was an actual statue, just standing still.

And Mick would just pound on it with nothing happening.

codehappy - 2010-01-11

Flying high now, indeed.

Frank Rizzo - 2010-01-11

ting ting ting ting.... ting ting ting ting .... TINGTINGTINGTING...

fermun - 2010-01-11

I like how between the rounds Mickey tells Rocky what he needs to do to win.

CornOnTheCabre - 2010-01-11

A true professional.

Cleaner82 - 2010-01-11

Yeh got the bastard *cough* on the rocks! In fact he thinks his rib is cracked!

Knuckles - 2010-01-11

That 70 year old man knocked out a fucking bronze statue.

citrusmirakel - 2010-01-11

Are Mick's arms spring-loaded?

Raggamuffin - 2010-01-11

As I recall this is the same strategy rocky uses in the movies.

duck&cover - 2010-01-12

To win Mickey needs to wipe the secret name of God off Rocky's forehead.

JimL2 - 2010-01-13

I'd like to see the character ideas they crossed off the whiteboard

CornOnTheCabre - 2011-11-11


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