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Comment count is 8
oogaBooga - 2010-03-19

It doesnt deserve five stars, but it doesn't deserve one star, despite the bile rising in my throat. I think we're all in agreement this is here because its evil to beat a dead horse this long. It's just pulp and bonemeal fragments a foot deep into the bedrock by now.

Candlejackv616 - 2010-03-19

I'm surprised this wasn't a stand alone anime, but an actual game. Wasn't there a on foot sonic racing game for the Saturn? I remember seeing screen shots of it, and even back then thinking it was a shitacular idea.

RocketBlender - 2010-03-19

Why the hell does Sonic keep racing in things slower than him?

Sudan no1 - 2010-03-19


Camonk - 2010-03-19

Well I mean why do sneaky birds need hoverboards anyhow they can fly

Shoebox Joe - 2010-03-19

Because they are retarded ostriches and since ostriches are naturally evil they can will their retard strength without a glimpse of emotional preperation. Case in point, they were obviously antogonists to a Sonic the Hedgehog game in one point or another.

RocketBlender - 2010-03-19

Here's what I want to know: does Sonic actually sell well? I mean, Sega almost didn't bring over Yakuza 3 because of poor sales performance, and it seems fairly popular.(on the gamestop top 10 referance PS3 titles and all...)

With Sonic, on the other hand... I mean, he's been a joke since the late dreamcast days. Who the hell keeps buying these games that Sega doesn't even question making and shipping them over?

Who'se buying these games?!

Riskbreaker - 2010-03-19

Furries and kids.

Also, according to vgchartz (yeah, not the best source, but anyway) the franchise still sells fairly well:


Curious enough, seems that sonic sells better in america, while it barely sells a bit in Japan. Yakuza's numbers are not that bad, but again, Sega is run by a bunch of dumb chimps who can't sell a game even if their lifes depend of it.

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