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Comment count is 9
Tuan Jim - 2010-11-19

"joy, rage, liver shot"

pineapplejuicer - 2010-11-19

they're really all just one big emotion

Hooker - 2010-11-19

So he didn't like it?

pineapplejuicer - 2010-11-19

i think he was in it so yeah, it was probably terrible

memedumpster - 2010-11-19


Menudo con queso - 2010-11-20

The twenty seconds above were infinitely more persuasive than that 2 1/2 minute trailer.

Old_Zircon - 2010-11-19

-1 for not being Aus Rotten promoting The Perfect Sleep.

Patient Property - 2010-11-19

I clicked on this without reading the description and I'm pretty sure that's why it's getting five stars

kennydra - 2010-11-19

preloader gets 5.

video gets another ghost 5.

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