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Comment count is 8
Big Muddy - 2011-04-20

Just a word of advice guys, keep the comments ambiguous for those who want no further details on this great storyteller. That said this starts out a tad slow but damn is it a good payoff.

abeli$con - 2011-04-20


Miskimo - 2011-04-21

^ dumbshit

baleen - 2011-04-21

Jersey! Hell yeah!
This reminds me so much of the bar patrons of the place I spent nearly 5 years drinking away my life in Brooklyn.

sjohnson301 - 2011-04-21

4 stars for the interview, an extra one for the Vince Young jersey.

chumbucket - 2011-04-21

just great

enki don't - 2011-04-21

This is not "Hard G".

FineFilter - 2011-04-30

AP Mike's got style.

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