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Comment count is 13
fedex - 2011-06-12

the basketball tape for lame crackers, or something

freedoom - 2011-06-12

My favorite shot is the free throw.

Supahfly - 2011-06-12

Got a chuckle from me at the end.

Fatback Jack - 2011-06-12

Principal Blackman?!

Fatback Jack - 2011-06-12

Oh hey, it is Principal Blackman, thanks tags.

fatatty - 2011-06-12

THAT'S who it is.

Ursa_minor - 2011-06-12

The Werner Herzog Brothers

erratic - 2011-06-12

Now I want to listen to Thing Fish

hammsangwich - 2011-06-12

The Total Genocide

aikimoe - 2011-06-12

The Heinous Dog

sjohnson301 - 2011-06-12

Gee whiz, a bunch of hipsters making fun of things in a hipster type fashion. How unique.

kwash - 2011-06-13

5 stars for the hopeful new troll.

Keep up the good work, you'll get there someday little guy.

Rudy - 2011-06-13

My favorite shot is the Skyhook, but I'll settle for a Percy Percy.

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