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How Millennials Are Killing American Cheese
Those heartless millennials are abandoning yet ano...

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Arty Polish thing inspired by soviet childrens show.

Mr. Purple Cat Esq.
The music in this is legit great, I got it all from bandcamp already.


Crime - Educational
assault 4 vs mal misc 3

Gboard Double Sided

Military - Classic Movies
Wtf Japan

Joker: Folie à Deux (2024)

Humor - Classic TV Clips
Albuquerque Halsey
(watch at work, show to boss)

What Project 2025 Means for the Adult Industry

Religious - Crime
This isn't going to go well.

Wilberforce Pendulum

Science & Technology - Educational
Energy moves from linear spring mode to torsion spring, and back again.

Fun with 9v

Science & Technology - Crime
Whoops I mean 2000v

New Music On 73Q
Chocolate Rain (Alternate Explicit Version)
Chocolate Rain
The Night Comes Down

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Crime - Humor
'I like that'

Mike Tyson eats shrooms and scares Logan Paul

Science & Technology - Classic Movies
Bless you Tyson

“My children keep asking me, are we going to die?”

Crime - News & Politics
Journalist Wafa al-Udaini was killed today along with her husband and two children.

The dangerous cult behind the Shen Yun theatrical show

Science & Technology - Cartoons & Animation
In case you need it spelled out

Drunk woman runs from cops

Science & Technology - General Station
Of course she assaults the officer and accused them of rape

Bara Buti: Gwobach Mach Nellogbach

Cartoons & Animation - Advertisements
Sludge Vohaul
An advertisement

How to protect yourself from internal violence with kung fu

Sports - Crime
Internal violence is a thing.

Drawing furries to get money???

Arts - Educational
Albuquerque Halsey
'I can just make money drawing furries' No! Yes? Maybe?

I’ve never met a nice South African

Science & Technology - Cartoons & Animation
Deep cut

Repairing Willie Nelson’s guitar Trigger

Science & Technology - Classic TV Clips
‘Nuff said

Granny Love's Puppets - Don't Make That Trash (1995)

Nature & Places - Arts
A VHS anti-littering musical puppet show filmed in a church.

The link between Sonic & Autism EXPLAINED

Science & Technology - Educational
Juice Eggs McKenna

'Weird Al' Yankovic conducts the Jr. Philharmonic

Humor - Arts
Mr. Purple Cat Esq.

Furry Beach Assault

Stunts - Crime
this is what furries do to you man!

Arrested at Disneyland

Stunts - Educational
If we abolish the police who will brutalize Disney Adults?

ChatGPT in TI-83 calculator

Science & Technology - Accidents & Explosions
Oh no

What Are Next?!

News & Politics - Accidents & Explosions
RedLetterMedia's thesis on the current state of film and TV. DON'TASKQUESTIONSJUSTCONSUMEPRODUCT

The Shit and Cum Miser

Pets & Animals - Arts
safe for work, turn up the volume

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