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Comment count is 9
baleen - 2012-06-10

I don't want your millions, Mister,
I don't want your diamond ring.
All I want is the right to live, Mister,
Give me back my job again.
Now, I don't want your Rolls-Royce, Mister,
I don't want your pleasure yacht.
All I want's just food for my babies,
Give to me my old job back.

We worked to build this country, Mister,
While you enjoyed a life of ease.
You've stolen all that we built, Mister,
Now our children starve and freeze.

So, I don't want your millions, Mister,
I don't want your diamond ring.
All I want is the right to live, Mister,
Give me back my job again.

Think me dumb if you wish, Mister,
Call me green, or blue, or red.
This one thing I sure know, Mister,
My hungry babies must be fed.

Take the two old parties, Mister,
No difference in them I can see.
But with a Farmer-Labor Party
We could set the people free.

So, I don't want your millions, Mister,
I don't want your diamond ring.
All I want is the right to live, Mister,
Give me back my job again.

memedumpster - 2012-06-10

Better purple blue green yellow orange and red than dead!

baleen - 2012-06-11

I think green was a reference to the first greens, the people in the Greenback Party. They were Populists who believed that money should be pegged to both silver and gold, and they also believed farmers' debts to banks accumulated during the big recession of the 1890's should be dissolved.

The platform of the Greenback Party is immortalized by greatest supporter, L. Frank Baum, in the Wonderful Wizard of Oz.

memedumpster - 2012-06-11

No joke, is there a documentary or book about the Greenback Party that you would recommend I consume? I want to know more!

baleen - 2012-06-11

I've read of the political motifs of Oz in a few places but have never read a book about the Greenback Party itself. The sources in this article look like a good place.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Political_interpretations_of_The_ Wonderful_Wizard_of_Oz

cognitivedissonance - 2012-06-11

The politics of Oz are okay, but I'm more interested in the hermeticism/Freemasonry/theosophic elements of it. Baum was way into Blavatsky.

Rodents of Unusual Size - 2012-06-11

The most charming propaganda I've seen all week!

TeenerTot - 2012-06-11


Scynne - 2012-06-11

Why can't there be more summer camps like this?

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