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Comment count is 6
Oscar Wildcat - 2012-12-21

It's going to entail rolling up the mistletoe into a big spliff and sparking it off the yule log. That's how we roll here.

mon666ster - 2012-12-21

If anything ever needed a white people tag...

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-21

oh my, good idea.

Jet Bin Fever - 2012-12-21

And I don't think J.J. Jackson is enough to take away from it either.

sosage - 2012-12-21

If this were in the 2K's, everyone would be bitching about all the hipsters playing ironic reggae music for x-mas...thinking they are SO CLEVER...and their infatuation with that ironic adult kid act they call "Pee Wee Herman".

Not so much a defense of hipsters, but a theory-in-progress that hipsters have a time machine.

FABIO - 2012-12-22

Hipsters mockingly embrace cast off formally mainstream trends. Reggae doesn't really fit with that.

Now let's talk ironic Dave Matthews appreciation.

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