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Comment count is 13
Oscar Wildcat - 2013-02-28

A major step forward in the technology of Swedeing Star Trek movies.

SolRo - 2013-02-28

crazy modeling skills there.

now put it up on ebay for a quick couple hundred or thousand dollars.

STABFACE - 2013-02-28

It looks so goofy!

godot - 2013-02-28

Captain, we've lost yaw control.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-02-28

To boldly flop around where no one has flopped around before!

glasseye - 2013-02-28

That's not flying, it's falling with style.

FABIO - 2013-02-28

Must be Troi at the helm again.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-02-28

I'm a givin' her all she's got, Cap'n.

SteamPoweredKleenex - 2013-02-28

Re-enactment of Star Trek: Generations.

Both the actual crash-landing and the plot.

CrimsonHyperSloth - 2013-02-28

That's impressive!

User Name + Video as well

garcet71283 - 2013-02-28

Its actually impressive how well it flies with the motor in roughly the same place as the impulse engines. Actually makes you believe it could fly providing there was some fly-by-wire tech behind it.

Now excuse me while I shave.

memedumpster - 2013-02-28

I once saw a movie about tiny alien windup robot toys who invaded earth in a tiny spaceship that was the Enterprise model hung upside down. That movie makes me sad this didn't fly upside down.

The Mothership - 2021-02-03

It's a hobby.

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