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That's not foreboding at all. The little hairs on the back of my neck totally aren't standing on end after that little demonstration. Excuse me, I have to go curl up in a little ball under my bed for a completely unrelated reason.
Hiding under the bed won't save you. Big Dog is more than capable of flipping it over and exposing your pink soft flesh for tearing and rending.
It needs to make cow noises already.
No, they need to outfit it for Smithore and get it placed on the plot.
it's a robomination! no seriously, SRL called they want their robot back
I've been having videos not show up on poetv a lot recently. The 'Original' link usually seems to work tho, as it does on this one.
Submit your links in this format: So the things people screw up are: 1) The string must begin with "http:", not "https:". 2) The ONLY parameter at the end should be "v=". That means you need to edit it so it looks like "?v=" followed by the video ID. 3) As a precaution, take off any trailing "#" and "!" characters after the video ID. I don't know if they hurt but they almost certainly cannot help.
Remember, its CPU wont be in its head, so aim for the body.
Can throw babies even further