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morva - 2013-11-29

Archie's prompt reply to my email:

Hello (removed),
I would love to catch up with you!
Weekends are great! Perhaps we can meet up at my place? (location removed) way?

Let me know what date you had in mind.....



Scrimmjob - 2013-11-30

I wonder how many people have taken him up on this offer, or if you are the first?

morva - 2013-11-30

Gday Archie,

Thanks for the prompt reply!
The next weekend I have free is Saturday the 21st December. Would lunch be suitable? Perhaps around 12:30pm?
Sure, I can go around to your place - just let me know the address, and where the shed you are renting is located on the property.



Can I please have your phone number?
To make sure you sound acceptable to Archie?



Dear Archie,
Certainly, my number is: (removed)
I work odd hours, but you should be able to get me between 2 to 4pm today (Sunday 01/12), or between 1 to 3pm Monday.
Failing that, I have Tuesday to Thursday off this week.
I do hope I make the grade.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-11-30

Fantastic. If anything calls for a break in the Prime Directive, this is it.

EvilHomer - 2013-11-30

Tell Archie we love him.

memedumpster - 2013-11-30

Archie is post-warp, so this falls within the First Contact protocols of the Prime Directive. I need to know if there are any good watches he approves of with a 24 hour face.

EvilHomer - 2013-11-30

Does that mean morva will have to greet him in his Starfleet Dress Uniform? Please say it does.

Oktay - 2013-11-30

What kind of watch will you be wearing?

morva - 2013-12-01

upper-lower class gshock. i'll have him appraise it.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-02

Do you have a date by which, if we don't hear from you, we should contact the police?

Pillager - 2013-11-30

This man should be our president someday, screw the 14th amendment.

This is how I imagine the Emperor of Man to sound & act.

Jet Bin Fever - 2013-12-02

When he dies, it will be from being crushed by a set of luxury suitcases or a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

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