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Comment count is 4
roughnready66 - 2013-12-15

Make sure you watch part 2 for the story about Richard Harris too.

Oscar Wildcat - 2013-12-15

How can you not like a man whose very name is a redundant allusion to his cocksmanship.

John Holmes Motherfucker - 2013-12-16

When I learned that O'Toole had passed, the first thing I did was search (in vain) for another legendary Letterman appearance, when he had shown up spectacularly drunk, grinned like a fool, and barely said a word.

That guy - 2013-12-16

I finally saw Lawrence of Arabia a few years back, after assuming for some asshat reason that it would be boring.

It is an amazing double-movie, so subtle and complex and ahead of its time that I was left in awe. The 2 hour movie before the intermission and the 2 hour movie after relate and contrast each other in incredible ways.

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