infinite zest - 2015-07-17
Almost loses a star because pt one tells the backstory.. unless you're one of those people who just skips through a porn and goes straight to the fucking, you should watch 1 and 3, and in that order!
memedumpster - 2015-07-17
After watching the fat the fart in a jar video my YouTube recommendations were wrecked. Do I really want to add dog fucking to the fart video cavalcade?
Old_Zircon - 2015-07-17 That's a rhetorical question, right?
memedumpster - 2015-07-17 Please let there be Indian pop music accompanying this... There isn't. Hello, related videos, how ya' doin'?
Old_Zircon - 2015-07-17 IF there was even the slightest bit of context I wouldn't have submitted it, but nope, it was just Youtube's recommendation algorithm saying "here's some dog sex! You like dog sex, right? Everybody likes dog sex!"
Old_Zircon - 2015-07-17 Fuck, I just looked at the related videos and they're all dog sex and more than half of them have over 7 million views.
If I had some dogs and a camcorder I'd quit my job because it looks like there's good ad revenue money in dog sex videos.
memedumpster - 2015-07-17 It seems like an easier gig to start than a human porn studio.
I just asked a search engine "why do people like to watch animals having sex" and the results basically came back "fuck why, watch these animals have sex!" Like the first six results all lead straight to YouTube.
Usually, there's a fun psych article somewhere in these kinds of searches, but it's apparently self-evident this time.
memedumpster - 2015-07-17 So, yoNick has a future, dear children, a future in greatness, surely.u sho
Leaving this, because it popped up as I was typing the response "you should do a 'poeTV watches people make stuff : dogs fucking' video.'
I did not copy the Nick comment from the Wagner video to clip board. That just happened.
A sign!
Boomer The Dog - 2015-07-18 You can fight recommendations and tracking by using a plugin like BetterPrivacy with something like Self-destructing Cookie, in Firefox, to periodically delete super cookies and cookies. That's not a good thing if you want to be logged in to Goog and Ytube all of the time, but you can fine tune the settings to keep the login cookies.
duck&cover - 2015-07-17
He bite me in my vagina!
TheOtherCapnS - 2015-07-18
Just hanging out in the yard, recording the dogs while they fuck.
That guy - 2015-07-18
Their faces.
boner - 2015-07-19
lipstick style
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