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Comment count is 14
mustard - 2015-11-13

FAS tag?

Chancho - 2015-11-13

Would you bang her? I wouldn't unless she made the sound at 39 second mark.

ashtar. - 2015-11-14

Some women are sex slave material, some are normal work-to-death slave material.

Raggamuffin - 2015-11-14

It would take more than a couple Black Wine's for sure.

Miss Henson's 6th grade class - 2015-11-14

I think that she'd totally let me spank her!

The Mothership - 2015-11-13

Oh shit I remember this one.

baleen - 2015-11-15

haven't seen her in a while.

Kid Fenris - 2015-11-14

Fencer of Minerva marked a turning point for me. As a young anime dork, I'd rent just about anything the local comic store stocked, since tapes were only a dollar a day. If I hated it, I would fast-forward and tell myself that as long as I got to the end, I had my money's worth.

With Fencer of Minerva, I just shut the tape off. I can't say it was the absolute worst thing I rented, but it was the breaking point.

Ryo-Cokey - 2015-11-15

They actually made a SNES game out of it, of all the random properties:


Kid Fenris - 2015-11-15

That's actually Princess Minerva, which is a different and less pornographic thing. It inspired a crappy anime movie, too!

And I rented it.

misterbuns - 2015-11-15

holy fuck why am i watching this

misterbuns - 2015-11-15

jesus christ i watched all of it fuck you

Caminante Nocturno - 2015-11-16

I can't understand a word she's saying.

Nominal - 2015-11-16

Like a zebra herd, her shirt is designed to blend in with her manga collection behind her.

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