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Comment count is 12
theSnake - 2016-05-16

I do. I do want to get rocked.

SJWFeels - 2016-05-16

This was around the time that hair metal tried to fight grunge and hip hop won. Then rock was out of the question.

kamlem - 2016-05-16

When I first starting watching the music charts on early Sunday morning TV this was right at the top. I'm not going to watch and just assume this is still the coolest, most badass display of masculinity known to mankind.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-16

This was a hit? Because I was firmly in its target demographic when it came out and let me tell you, it was NOT cool. At all.

Old_Zircon - 2016-05-16

I guess that's a little convoluted, so I'll make it clearer: I knew a guy who liked Ugly Kid Joe and I'm pretty sure even he thought this song/video were pretty weak.

kamlem - 2016-05-16

I was a complete dweeb kid growing up in a small coal mining town. My scope for "cool" was severely limited.

And yeah, it was a hit.


Old_Zircon - 2016-05-17

I'm not saying I was cool or anything I was listening to MC Hammer and Green Jello

F3AR - 2016-05-21

We all had this blasting on the stereo, come on.

The Mothership - 2016-05-16

Let's get the ROCK outta here!

OxygenThief - 2016-05-16

The drummer's left sleeve must have been the same color as the green screen because his arm looks like it's missing.

TeenerTot - 2016-05-16

OK, this made me laugh.

Scrotum H. Vainglorious - 2016-05-16

That was pretty good dude.

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