Cube - 2016-11-10
The golden age when Internet existed but most people didn't have a clue how it worked.
Jeriko-1 - 2016-11-10
Ah yes.
I have never actually seen this movie but I have heard of the infamous electric chair scene.
As they are about to execute the antagonist at the beginning he bites off a few of a careless correction officer's fingers.
Binro the Heretic - 2016-11-10 That's got to be a different movie.
In this one the serial killer isn't executed. At the start of the movie, he's so far eluded being identified as a murderer. He selects a victim, steals their address book and kills everyone in it in the order they appear. Then he finally kills the owner of the address book.
He gets in a serious car wreck and is taken to the hospital. They perform an MRI on his skull at the same moment the hospital gets struck by lightning. This uploads his consciousness into the computer allowing him to stalk his next intended victims over the then-new Internet.
That is actually the least ridiculous thing that happens in this movie.
Baldr - 2016-11-10 You're thinking of Shocker. The scene is here:
Old_Zircon - 2016-11-10
We watched this a few months ago and it is definitely bad.
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